Read Alouds for the First Week of School

I am so grateful for this Instagram community of teachers that I have found.  Without it, I wouldn't have learned about #classroombookaday.  Basically, the goal is to read a book a day.  PICTURE BOOKS!  It's amazing to me how easy it is to use the books to promote discussion regarding theme, point of view etc.  I haven't been perfect and read a book every single day, but I have come close.  We track our books on our front bulletin board and can't wait for the board to fill up.  Our favorite book so far has been, Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun, which has a theme of not being afraid to be yourself.  I will keep you posted on class favorites and keep the lists coming.  Please share your class favorites in the comments!

The clear book display is actually a greeting card holder from www.cleardisplayscom!  

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